Host & Producer: Bjorn Behrendt ~ g+ | twitter
- Everything touch: All new computers, laptops, even a touch screen Chromebook.
- Google will lead educational communication
- Google+ will be the next big communication tool for schools.
- Many people who use twitter as their PLN will jump ship to google+
- Google Forms will be completely revamped and improved
- A database tool will become part of Docs
- Google groups functionality will change
- Tablets will be part of the standard teaching tools for a teacher
- Projectorless smartboards
- 1:1 tools
- Chromebooks will be the new 1:1 device of choice.
- Windows surface tablets will be piloted.
- iPads will lose in popularity (except in Main where it will be the new device)
- The Ubuntu tablet will do it right but won’t be adopted. mostly because of price.
- Tablets and smartphones will become much more powerful and some radical new designs, (no more square boxes).
- Physical conference attendance will go down, but digital conferences like the EduOnAir or PDinYourPJ’s conference will increase.
- Common Core, paperless classrooms, flipped learning and PLN’s will be the primary topics. These were big in 2012 but I don’t think we hit a tipping point where people are ready to move on to the next best thing.
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~ Let me know your predictions for 2013
Great podcast, thanks for sharing. In Mexico, I'm seeing tablets becoming a bit more popular. More teachers at this point have them than students, but I suspect more students will gradually purchase them over laptops (which virtually all students currently own) as prices come down. The issue here is more about connectivity than devices. All students have laptops and cellphones, but few have a constant internet connection. I see that connectivity will become more ubiquitous in 2013 (in Mexico - Higher Ed.).
ReplyDeleteConnection is still a problem in parts of the US also. One of the school systems I work for in Vermont, we have internet at the school but most of the students homes do not have even the option for fast internet.