Host & Producer: Bjorn Behrendt ~ g+ | twitter
Show Website: http://www.edlisten.com/ & Google+ Community
Show Website: http://www.edlisten.com/ & Google+ Community
Interview with +Jon Fila the co-creator and admin of http://moodleshare.org and works for Intermediate District 287 in Minnesota as a Personalized Learning Facilitator; Innovation Coach; Teacher & Moodle Strategist. Jon presents around the country relating to digital delivery and using Open Educational Resources. He is a Certified Google Apps for Education Trainer and a member of the MN Learning Commons, a partnership between K-12; Higher Ed and the MN Dept. of Education. Jon has been a teacher for 12 years in the private, public, ALC and college settings.
Its like reading an old how to book ,the method may be old but the structure is the same
ReplyDeletewhen i post to the comment window Edlisten defaults back to the beginning. I would like to go back to where i left off or even post while listening.